Getting and charting data with Matplotlib

In this article, we start our data analysis journey with Python by getting and charting data, in this case the performance of an ETF using freely available data.

Vincent D.

Date de publication

25 janvier 2024

In Construction

Thanks for popping by; please note that this article is still in construction.


Welcome to the second episode of our Python and Quantitative Finance tutorial, where we will enter in our real Python journey.

In this first coding exercise, things will be very simple, we will essentially look at the past performance of a financial tool, an ETF. This ETF is called the SPY, it’s a US domiciled ETF that aims to replicate the performance of the S&P 500 Index, one of the key indices to measure the performance of the US Equity market.

Import Libraries

First, we import necessary libraries. yfinance will fetch the data, and matplotlib will help us chart it.

import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Download SPY Data

Fetching historical data for the SPY ETF is straightforward with yfinance. We’ll grab the last five years of daily data.

spy_data ='SPY', start='2015-01-01', end='2020-01-01', progress=False)

It’s easy to show the results of this request with the code below, using the function tail(n) that essentially gathers the last n row of the spy_data dataframe that has been generated by the download function of the the yfinance library.

Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2019-12-24 321.470001 321.519989 320.899994 321.230011 299.739136 20270000
2019-12-26 321.649994 322.950012 321.640015 322.940002 301.334778 30911200
2019-12-27 323.739990 323.799988 322.279999 322.859985 301.260040 42528800
2019-12-30 322.950012 323.100006 320.549988 321.079987 299.599182 49729100
2019-12-31 320.529999 322.130005 320.149994 321.859985 300.326935 57077300

The function tail comes out of the pandas library, which is probably the most powerful library I have seen in the last 2 decades!

Going through the details of this library is well beyond the scope of this article but will we will discover step by step of its most useful functions.

Plotting the Data

With our data in hand, let’s plot the closing prices. Here, the choice of a green and blue stylesheet makes our chart not only informative but visually appealing.

# Default settings

# Use a ggplot stylesheet"ggplot")

spy_data['Close'].plot(figsize=(10, 6), color='blue')

plt.title('SPY ETF Performance 2015-2020')
plt.ylabel('Close Price')

Why This Matters

This exercise is a primer in the practical application of Python for financial analysis. By fetching real-world data and visualizing it, we gain insights into market trends and ETF performance over time. This skill is fundamental in quantitative finance, where data-driven decisions are paramount.

Recap and Further Reading

Today, we’ve covered how to set up your Python environment, fetch financial data using yfinance, and visualize it with matplotlib. These steps are building blocks in your journey into quantitative finance and data analysis.

For those keen to delve deeper, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Books: “Python for Finance” by Yves Hilpisch, “Quantitative Finance For Dummies” by Steve Bell.
  • Websites: Quantopian, QuantConnect, and the matplotlib documentation.
  • GitHub Repositories: matplotlib/matplotlib, ranaroussi/yfinance.

Stay curious, and happy coding!

Notes de bas de page

  1. For more information on the S&P 500 Index, you can look at this Wikipedia article.↩︎

  2. For more information on the pandas library, look at its reference website.↩︎